Dogs in Hungary
In dem von uns betreuten Tierheim (Care Station) leben durchschnittlich 300 Hunde. Unsere Schützlinge warten sehnsüchtig auf ein neues Zuhause!
40% of our animals are looking for a food donor
10 Entries
Cora (blind)
born 2014
Female dog
Female dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born 2023
Female dog
Female dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born 2022
Male dog
Male dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born Mai 2021
Female dog
Female dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born Jänner 2016
Male dog
Male dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born März 2019
Male dog
Male dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born August 2015
Female dog
Female dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born Februar 2016
Female dog
Female dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born Mai 2019
Male dog
Male dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born Februar 2012
Female dog
Female dog
A big thank you to my food donor