Philip Reiter


Philip Reiter studies mechanical and industrial engineering at the Vienna University of Technology and currently lives in Vienna together with medical student, Olivia Kainz, and their dog Nala. Philip grew up with cats, chickens, and horses. He and his mother rescued and raised kittens found underneath a highway bridge. Again and again, kittens are abandoned near their home, and
Philip and his mother always take them in.

Together with his partner, Olivia, they adopted Nala, a rescued dog living in Animal Care Austria's shelter in Svilos, Serbia. As Olivia decided to travel to Serbia to help in the shelter, Philip's interest in the shelter grew, and he decided in August of 2019 to become part of the Animal Care Austria Svilos Shelter Team. Additionally, he and Olivia made a donation transport to the Animal Care Austria supported shelter in Lovasberény, Hungary.

Philip diligently helps by photographing and filming the shelter dogs for the Animal Care Austria website. He handles every single dog lovingly, and does his does his best to show their beautiful spirits in his photos and videos.

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