Carol Byers, M.M.


Carol Byers, Founder and President of Animal Care Austria, is an American opera singer and voice teacher, residing in Vienna, who has been helping people and animals in the USA, Austria and neighboring countries for years. Ms. Byers travels in person to all six countries that have projects run by ACA, in order to guide and monitor the animal welfare activities on-site. Through its many ongoing castration projects, dog adoptions, veterinary scholarships and events to improve the relationship between animals and their humans, ACA has become one of the front-runners among animal welfare initiatives in Austria and abroad.

As a child, Carol Byers was fortunate enough to grow up among a great variety of animals – horses, dogs, cats, cows, chickens, pigs and rabbits. Her affection and respect for these and other animals influenced her to become a vegetarian in 2006. In 2010, after attending a lecture by Jonathan Safran Foer and reading his book "Eating Animals", she decided that a Vegan lifestyle was the most compatible with her convictions as an animal lover and leader of the ACA.

Ms Byers' skills for multitasking and organizing, as well as her ability to communicate with people and animals, and her volunteering spirit, have made it possible for her to assemble a competent and reliable team of dedicated volunteer animal activists, who combine their strengths in order to help those who without their aid would be left helpless. Carol Byers is seen in the photo with her rescued Basset Hounds Humphrey, Emily and Katie Cat.
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