Barbara Deutsch


Barbara' s true love for bassets made her find Animal Care Austria via Chicago's GABR Basset Rescue, her exceptional role model for bassets - in - need fundraising, and via her own quite risky basset rescue activities.

Before having Viktoria Alèdos alias Vicky , a unique Basset Bleu de Gascogne girl, in her life Barbara was owned for 15 years by two pointer - hunting mixes , Nicky and Toutou,who she rescued from a Cypriot litter box.

Barbara' s full empolyment job and activities are based in and on the international fashion world. Due to this fact she extensively likes to use Social Media Tools for her professional and personal networking. Hereby one must mention her worldwide basset facebook network which covers about 20.000 basset lovers - from the Philippines to South Africa.
With Carol BYERS of Animal Care Austria Barbara found her "basset" soulmate. Soon it was quite clear that she would creatively and informatively support and enlarge the social media activities of Animal Care Austria and to increase the number of Animal Care Austria facebook users as a volunteer with a big heart for animals and bassets.

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